在任意點擊其它歌曲當中,被這一首《I'm Still Loving You》緊緊吸引住。這是一部由她本人主演的電影《喜愛夜蒲》的插曲。這是她難得的全英文歌曲。簡單以鋼琴爲主的編;有80%和謝安琪相似的唱腔和聲綫;加上方大同歌曲的幕後監製Edward Chan;造就了一首很棒很有feel的英文小品歌曲。
Shiga 連詩雅 面子書: http://www.facebook.com/shigalin
Shiga 連詩雅 官網: http://www.shiga-lin.com.hk/
<I'm Still Loving You>
Lyrics: 连诗雅
Music: 齐乐平/ 徐浩
Arranged: 徐浩
Produced: 徐浩 & Edward Chan
When I close my eyes I think of you
And the times we've had been through
Even though we're far apart right now
I remember back when you were here with me
How you've made my world complete
But now I'm left alone
We talked about love and hope
Wishing we could start a life our own
I wish that I could live without you
# Why did you tear my heart apart
You said you'd love me from the start
All those painful things you've put me through
But I'm still loving you
I've tried to give my best to you
I don't deserve the things you do
Everything has gone to memories
I just wish I knew the truth behind the lies.
哦!原來這首就是她唱的,在FM有聽到幾次, 但是DJ報她的名字時都聽不懂,原來是她...嗯..很好聽!! 聲音也很ok!!
回覆刪除聲音真的很有磁性,我已經連續三天在loop她的歌...夠力中毒-ing ORZ
刪除她是創作型的嗎?在電台有聽到另外一首她的廣東歌, 也很ok下...不會廣東話, 聽不懂歌名 囧