2012年6月24日 星期日

Jayesslee Live in KL 2012

It's been awhile since I last blog here. But today I'm gonna write my second english blog for Jayesslee concert which just ended about 5 hours ago! (yes this was just 2nd english blog. Usually i write in chinese but my 1st english blog was also writing about them ^^)

This was Jayesslee 2nd concert in Malaysia. I had went for the 1st one in PWTC last year and really excited when I got to know they are coming for the 2nd time! Without hesitation I start sharing out the event to my friends but the reception was well, ended up only 1 couple joining me and I'm the big light bulb... But anyway what's important is still Jayesslee performance! Missed their angelic voice and harmonizing ability badly since their last concert.

Before going into detail, first we all must thank the organizer for allowing us to take photos/videos for the 1st 2 songs. Compared to last year where I can freely walk to the front and sit down on the floor JUST IN FRONT of them, this year the security was tight and more organized. It was more to concert level rather than last time which was just like a music showcase. Even the organizer only allowed us to take pictures and videos for 2 songs, I was still very happy because I brought along my DSLR camera!! Comparing to other people around me, I saw most of them were only using digital camera which was unable to capture any thing since we are sitting in the RM99 zone..... I don't believe they don't have DSLR but maybe they saw the message that DSLR was banned in the Facebook event page and decided not to bring it (one of my friend told me about this..)

Back to topic. The performance start at 730pm with 3 different opening performance. The 1st performer is 2 Astro competition winner (Not sure what competition is it). They sang "Rolling in the Deep" and it was a hit and starts to get the crowd moving. Great cover by both male and female vocalist and personally I love the rap from the guy. 2nd performance is done by 2 Malaysian voted from Facebook. In my opinion it was OK only compared to the other 2 team. Maybe the voice tone of both male and female vocalist doesn't really match IMO and there are frequent problem with the female vocalist harmonizing. The last performance was my favourite! The performer Leon Marcus Zachary performed his own original song "Superhero". The song itself have a very strong melody line with an attractive chorus. Not to forget about the vocalist having a great voice and the way he presents the song, Perfect! Found him on YouTube and I'm gonna share his songs here to you all who are interested.

There was also some small games in between where the emcee throw out some autographed posters. Around 8pm+ finally the much anticipated Jayesslee show up with an opening full band song "Jetlag" from Simple Plan. There was some issue with the sound system as Janice voice was missing in the middle, nevertheless it was still a good opening song ^^

A total of 13 song was performed on this concert (correct me if I'm wrong) and for me, the highlight was full band version "Dare You to Move". Honestly speaking it was way better than the original song sang by Switchfoot (even 1st time cover acoustic version was already great!). Other than that, I'm also surprised by the full band version "Amazing Grace". Many had sang or covered this song, but not many had done it with a full band with drums, electric guitar and bass and it turned out to be like a pop song you will hear on radios. The last song I loved the most for the show is "Safe & Sound". The song is smooth, the harmonizing is great, equally great with the original Taylor Swift version.

The best part of the show was actually AFTER the concert ended. I do not have the VVIP ticket (or I should say the money to buy a ticket ><), but many of us waited outside the hallway leading to the meet and greet session room. My friend was the one who 1st spotted there was only 1 way in and out the room and Jayesslee had not walked into the room yet. So we all started to wait behind the barricade and finally they showed up!!! (SCREAMMINGGGG!!) The pair walk pass and smiling all the way. They are very friendly and shook hand with some of the fans. I was busy taking pictures and forgot to shake hand with them T_T (DAMN REGRET NOW) But unfortunately most picture are blurred but luckily I still got 2 "Acceptable" quality picture for each of them! (Scroll to the end of post for the 2 candid ^^)

That's wraps up generally what happened and what I experienced for this concert. Seriously thinking why they cant release a live version album with all these live recorded song? It was already as good as CD quality! Hoping for their mini album to be released as soon as possible as Malaysia do not have ITunes shop for us to purchase song....

See you next time Jayesslee! :)

Oops, not the best expression but this was the best shot i got T_T
I nominate this for Best Smile of the year :D

2012年6月9日 星期六

Anime Festival Asia AFA 亞洲動漫節 2012 @ PWTC

之前宅男兄弟Ah Tatt 在facebook 分享了這個活動,但是他本人在新加玻沒有空不會出席,另一位在KL的宅友Lance 也沒去,我的相機也壞了,所以就打消念頭不去了。

後來前coursemate 宅女 Wai Ping 也想去,又很恰巧的我的相機剛剛在禮拜五昨天修理好,更恰巧的是表哥突然簡訊問我要不要去,因為他有多的門票,這些突如其來的"恰巧s" (多了個"s"代表很多的意思)也讓我沒有理由不去咯。

昨晚從表哥手上接過兩張入門票,一張是普通Exhibition的,另一張是有包括Show的。兩張都是complimentary pass,因為表哥在Dentsu做工(這次event的partner之一),所以要先謝謝他加上昨晚的魚頭米晚餐XD kam xia kam xia!

我沒有去過任何Anime 展,所以也不懂要expect什麽。不過看過照片印象中都很大型,很多cosplay,很多不同的booth。結果這以前expectation在踏進exhibition hall 后直接幻滅.... 現場除了Good Smile Company, Danny Choo 的 Mirai, 還有Bandai Robot魂等等booth以外,其他的都是本地的商家在賣anime周邊產品,而且booth也沒有很好的裝飾,都很隨便.....

另外現場盛裝出席(cosplay)的人數不少,只不過美的帥的很多都不在場,反而在外面天橋或者是入口更或者是PWTC裏面,exhibition hall 裏面的就... 不怎麼到我的expectation啦 ><"

跟宅女朋友逛了一圈后發現真的沒什麼逛,然後她就去看帥哥(管家餐廳),我就去了Show那邊看看。Show 那邊其實就是Concert hall 的場地。我進去的時候正在訪問SP Cats(不懂日本還是韓國 ),兩位女生都是cosplay 明星。我不熟cosplay 所以也沒什麼興趣聽完訪問,逛了一圈就走人了。

臨走前本來想回去Good Smile Co.的檔口購買早上看到的Miku Cheerful ver,因為才RM120而已。不過很衰我回去的時候竟然“賣完了”!問了檔口的人他說這次Good Smile 從日本只運了一箱來供兩天的展覽,所以賣完就沒了.... 失望的我爲了阻止這失落的心情所以買了另一個同是RM120的粘土人“Gumako Cheerful edition” 來平伏一下心情(點擊瀏覽Gumako可愛的官方照片

這次出門照片拍得非常少,因為第一,模型不多,一下子就拍完了,而且人潮很擁擠很不方便拍.... 第二,Cosplay 在這種人潮燈光和背景更加難拍,所以也沒什麼拍到,然後cos得有feel的很少啊.....很多比較像來湊熱鬧 (個人觀點,但我還是非常欣賞你們的專業和勇氣,至少你們做到的我做不到><“)。


更多關於此活動可瀏覽 http://www.animefestival.my/


