2012年7月2日 星期一

歌曲推薦:《Friends》 - 蔡健雅

話説Tanya 發行《說到愛》專輯時同期也發行了一張英文專輯,不過我發現真的很少人懂這張英文專輯的存在... 難得昨天和朋友從居鑾回來吉隆玻路程中突然聊起了蔡健雅,也很驚訝發現她有聼這張專輯,所以就來分享下。既然上次在我的blog已經推薦了《說到愛》專輯裏的《舊行李》,這次就來分享一下英文專輯《Just Say So》裏好聽的歌曲。

專輯聼第一遍就可以被幾首節奏比較catchy活潑的歌曲吸引住,比如《Make It For Real》, 《Back Into My Life》還有《Key To Hapiness》,這些我都在facebook分享了。不過剛剛睡醒突然閒一首慢歌的旋律不斷在我腦海裏回轉,那就是專輯裏一首非常簡單一把木吉他unplugged的歌曲,也是最後一首曲目,《Friends》。


喜歡這首歌的原因很簡單,吉他乾淨又好聽,和Tanya的歌聲非常配;prechorus和 chorus都很catchy;最後一個原因是在晚上容易emo時候聼特別有feel~

從youtube抓來的,拿來分享 :)



All the sadness in the air
How did we get to this?
Why did we end this way?
All the things we used to share
You said put them all away
Close my eyes they're still there yeah
Still trying to understand
Trying the best I can
To start over again oh

*If who I am brings you not joy but tears babe
I cannot bear to see you fighting with this pain
So I wish you all the best
If we can't be lovers
Maybe we can still be friends

Though we never really knew
Why did our worlds collide
There were no reasons why
When we're meant to say goodbye
You were never really mine
You were just a state of mind
Still trying to understand
Trying the best I can
To start over again oh

repeat * *

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