2011年10月26日 星期三


難得的一天假期,還真的不懂要做什麽.... Demo? 沒靈感算了.... Gundam模型? 開來裝就不能停很累下.... 外出?想不到去哪逛也想不到找誰逛....

別無選擇只好edit之前新調子推介禮的照片。 這對照片我拖了很久,因為當時燈光很差,拍出來的好像沒幾張能看,所以一拖再拖到今天才肯動手...


繼上次 Batu Pahat 的這張感覺要去冒險的照片電影海報后,

Paranormal Activity 3已經上映啦~!  






摸不到的顏色  是否叫彩虹?
看不到的擁抱  是否叫做微風?
一個人  想著一個人  是否就叫寂寞?

命運偷走如果  只留下結果
時間偷走初衷  只留下了苦衷
你來過  然後你走後  只留下星空

那一年我們望著星空   有那麼多的 燦爛的夢
以為快樂會永久  像不變星空   陪著我

 獵戶 天狼 織女  光年外沉默
回憶 青春 夢想  何時偷偷隕落?
我愛過  然後我沈默  人海裡漂流

那一年我們望著星空   未來的未來 從沒想過
當故事失去美夢  美夢失去線索  而我們失去聯絡

這一片無言無語星空   為什麼靜靜 看我淚流
如果你在的時候  會不會伸手  擁抱我?

細數繁星閃爍   細數此生奔波
原來 所有 所得 所獲   不如一夜的星空

空氣中的溫柔  回憶你的笑容
彷彿只要伸手  就能觸摸

摸不到的顏色  是否叫彩虹
看不到的擁抱  是否叫做微風
一個人  習慣一個人...

這一刻獨自望著星空   從前的從前 從沒變過
寂寞可以是忍受  也可以是享受   享受僅有的擁有

那一年我們望著星空   有那麼多的 燦爛的夢
至少回憶會永久  像不變星空   陪著我

最後只剩下星空  像不變回憶  

2011年10月25日 星期二






2011年10月23日 星期日

Jayesslee Live in KL 2011

22nd Oct 2011, finally JS came to perform in KL!

It's been years since I first heard their cover of <Officially Missing You>. That time I was still in my 2nd year in UKM, saw this video circulating at youtube, and loved it once heard.

I did search for the original version from Tamia but JS cover was simply better. Maybe because personally I love to sing harmonizing, so I've been totally attracted by their harmonizing skill and clean vocal!

So today finally I have a chance to watch them live. I arrived 630pm at PWTC and the crowd already started to line up. Luckily we found another friend who came earlier and was lining up front, so we just followed him to queue and around 715pm+ the door is opened.

We grabbed our self the 1st row available for normal ticket, but it was at the corner side. The view was OK as it was closer to the stage compare with sitting at the back. We also get ourself a nice speaker just in front of us. At least it won't be a lousy position like my last visit to Jay Chou concert 2011 where there are no speaker around me and I can't listen anything clearly except echo...

The show starts with HitzFM DJ Jin as the host, followed by Witnesses Duo, where they played the instrumental version of A-Mei <聽海>. The uncle asked the audience to sing along, but sadly seems like most audience are english-ed, only few of us can sing the song LOL. After that, it was a performance by acoustic band Decimal. The performance was OK for me, the song <Candyman> was their best. Lastly, the best of the best opening performance is by Shawn Lee featuring Dennis Lau. The kid's beat-box was simply amazing. I was thinking for a second why not just throw away the drum set and let the kid play all the drum bear for the rest of the show?

Finally after all opening performance, it is showtime! Opening song was Jayesslee latest youtube song, <Price Tag>. After that if I'm not mistaken it was followed by my favourite MJ's song <Man In The Mirror>. The rest of the song flow I can't really remember, but basically most popular songs uploaded in Youtube was performed tonight including <Just The Way You Are>, <Nobody>, <Coming Home>, <Fireflies> , <Breakeven> and more.

Personally the highlight of the night was them telling the story of their mum fighting cancer, how they've gone through that period and the song her mum sang in the end. Although I'm ain't Christian, but I do believe in the faith people should have in God. Other than that, I really enjoyed them singing Kpop song <Lonely> by 2NE1. Among Janice and Sonia, I liked Sonia more. Maybe because she's so charming when playing guitar and her expression is CUTE~~! Both of them have some small accident in the show. Janice mic accidentally fell off and Sonia mic is causing a loud voice whenever she touch it lolz. Another interesting thing is the apple which we noticed on Janice chair all the while. Me and my friend was wondering why would there be an apple on her chair? In the end it was reveal by Janice that the apple was actually a shaker!!! That was so cool! Gonna get one for my New Tune juniors for their next NTLP performance hehehe~

The show ended early, the encore song was my favourite <Officially Missing You>. Listening it live had no difference with youtube version, they're still simply perfect vocally and flawless! Around 930pm the show officially ended.

Afterwards we're lucky enough to take a picture with DJ Jin, but it was in my friend's camera. On the way walking out, we saw a big group of people cheering so we walk outside and saw Janice and Sonia coming out and going towards their car. Again my friend was lucky enough to snap a picture of them walking to their car, while my flash wasn't working fine so I snap NOTHING T_T

Overall it was a great show. Me and my friend was still singing their song on our way to the car park. Hope they release their album and come to KL again for concert! Hopefully the next concert will have more songs than this one! :D

Enjoy some of the photos taken! I'm off to bed~!

2011年10月21日 星期五




去麥記,drive through輪到我電腦螢幕竟然restart,後面車龍全部等我一個 (超paiseh的 ><")
拿食物,McD給錯我,最笨的是我很誠實告訴他們我的是Big Mac 不是 Quarter Pounder...
到大學,打想要錄音卻發現電腦之前format后還沒有安裝錄音軟件 (對不起老闆和紫環 ><")
想上網,結果以外的試玩所有FSSK tetamu ukm 沒有一個連接能用 (明明昨晚能用.....)



2011年10月18日 星期二

盧凱彤 - 大拇指之歌

誰不害怕 誰不膽怯
誰都有遺憾 藏在里面
誰都勇敢 誰都懦弱
誰都有遺憾 卻裝作灑脫
什麼都是一瞬間 錯覺


2011年10月16日 星期日

Unplugged Music Ally 不插電音樂聯盟

瘋狂的週六,從早上六點開始,在Pavilion Adidas Original幫朋友排隊買鞋,然後十一點樂捐了給Crumpler買個相機背包,下午一點在Midvalley買了Jayesslee Live in KL 2011票后,本來打算回家大睡一場

但是一回家facebook時候,突然偉超學長message我,問我要不要幫他的band在婚禮拍照。難得又有一個拍攝機會,而且也可以順便看他們band的表演,加上又可以了解婚禮的流程 (以方便以後好友婚禮拍攝),當然我直接答應了!

當晚除了拍照也拍video,才發現我對我的D7000拍攝功能真的一竅不通,有幾個重要時刻都因為我不會操作而毀了影片或完全沒有拍到 =_=" 另外也讓我體會到婚禮場面沒有flash,如果現場沒有一些好的燈光,真的是完蛋的...

這次拍攝照片+影片整整用完一個8gb記憶卡,但是回顧,過得去的好像少過10%..... TMD@!$%#&^%* 大多數照片都因為舞臺不像一般創作坊發佈會有follow spot照著表演者,所以因為不夠光線而鏡頭無法正確的對焦,照成很多照片都blur blur.... 影片方面由於我還沒有tripod,所以看完我的影片會懷疑我是不是在印尼地震時拍攝的 ><"

同時也很高興在吃宵夜認識到一堆冷笑話的高人 XD

最後當然是要推薦偉超學長的Band, Unplugged Music Ally, 三位成員唱功都一流,Pinky負責主音和percussion,偉超負責吉他,Valerie負責鍵盤。有任何活動如婚禮,派對,尾牙,推展禮等活動需要表演都可以聯絡他們~!

Unplugged Music Ally 網址: http://unpluggedmusically.blogspot.com

偉超 - Guitarist + Vocal
Pinky - Lead Vocal + Percussionist
Valerie - Keyboardist + Vocal

2011年10月15日 星期六

Jayesslee Live In KL 2011 soon!

Jayesslee,第一次聽見她們的歌是在Youtube,一首簡單的acoustic翻唱版 <Officially Missing You>,加上完美的和音,直接融化了我~~ 本來就很喜歡合音的我聽到她們的演唱直接深深的被吸引住!

這次她們來馬啦!!難得有一個朋友要去,所以二話不說就答應了一起去,期待她們的完美演出!! 其他喜歡Jayessless的朋友們,下個週六晚PWTC見!!

FB Event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=228301450535397

只剩下Free Seating的RM120票

再來分享一首讓我認識她們的歌,聽幾百遍都完全不會厭!!! Officially Missing You (original by Tamia)

Crumpler Local Identiy (L) 相機包推薦~


打從相機包包壞以來,我就開始在Survey適合的背包。一般上通街的人都是用Lowepro, Kata, Logic Pro等。 我又像以前買手提電腦背包一樣,根本不想買那些黑色古板(但不能否認很實用)的背包,所以開始搜尋一些比較另類的相機背包。

上回手提電腦我買了Golla,因為設計比較潮流,不會太死板,這次Golla沒有背包型的相機包,所以我把目標轉向澳洲牌子Crumpler。Crumpler 這間公司一開始是專做郵差包類型的,但最近發展出越來越多種類,在新加玻已經蠻普遍化的。

在馬來西亞只有KLCC和Pavilion這兩個不是人逛的地方有專賣店。之前Livestock 2011 Exhibition 結束后我已經去KLCC分店逛了一次,被那價錢嚇壞,過後剛好有朋友去Pavilion,結果幫我survey 回來的價錢也是一樣。

就這樣痛苦掙扎了一個星期,在網路上搜尋了無數個網站,結果還是只有專賣店有賣正版Crumpler包包..... 沒辦法了,這個月就省多幾餐啦!

今早剛好幫朋友去Pavilion 的 Adidas Original 排隊買熊貓鞋,所以買完過後就帶著我的相機和電腦直接去Crumpler店。一進去我已經不想猶豫了,往Crumpler Local Identity (L) 走去直接問店員可不可以嘗試把電腦和相機放進去測試空間。毫無疑問的,店員當然讓我測試了,而且也沒有什麽大問題,所以就忍痛花錢買下了它!!

相機袋The Haven正面
相機袋The Haven背面
附送的環保袋 x 2
最後午餐在Midvalley又吃 Ninja Joe,不過這次比較不一樣的是終於叫了Bruce Lee 來試吃,結果發現裏面是分成兩片豬肉,一肥一瘦,不好吃!而且還要等比較久,所以建議吃回最原始的Ninja 就够了.....

總結Crumpler Local Identity (L) 買了是不會後悔,如果滿分是10分的話:

造型 - 10/10(因為一般相機+電腦沒有這種設計,根本不像相機電腦背包)
空間 - 10/10(放了電腦和相機后,還有上半部一大部份可以塞東西,而且可以塞很高)
安全性 - 10/10(所有地方都有扣,防水等,蠻扎實)
實用性 - 8/10 (少了些比較方便可以直接打開放入雜物的小間隔)
方便性 - 7/10 (要打開旁邊的拉鏈必須先解除旁扣,要打開上面主要拉鏈也必須打開中間的口)
質料性 - 7/10 (沒有大問題,只不過發現相機包The Haven裏面有些地方縫不好)
價格 - 3/10 (真的他媽的貴,比起是一般相機包的兩倍,要不是他的獨有設計還有好口碑我根本不會去買,要害我省錢一陣子了T_T)